Why content alone won’t get you clients

And what will

Most people don’t realize this,

But content marketing has one goal…

To build trust.

The catch is, trust is only one piece of the larger puzzle called client acquisition.

Sure, a well written post can get you inbound leads (if it’s targeted to your niche),

But you still need to qualify them, pitch your offer, and then close the call.

And there even smaller steps between those.

The biggest step though that I never see talked about…

Creating belief.

Belief within your prospect that you can take them from where they are now to where they desire to be.

Without this, closing a client become 100X harder.

And to be honest, nobody will ever buy from you without it.

So how do you do it?

There are 2 ways (depending where you’re at)

The first —> A whole lot of social proof

Social proof is hands down the strongest form of persuasion (and building that belief).

Imagine going to buy from someone who has 100+ 5 star reviews…

Pretty convincing right?

The reason it work so well is it makes it undeniable you will deliver them your promised result by proving you’ve done it for others.

If you’re a beginner and haven’t worked with anyone,

I HIGHLY suggest working for free at least for 1 person so you can get yourself a case study to leverage.

The whole game gets a lot easier this way

The second —> A strong guarantee

Everyone hates to do this (I used to as well)

But if you don’t have social proof, you have to reduce risk on their end.

As long as you’re offering something you can actually fulfill on, you won’t have to worry about the 1-2% of people who ask for a refund.

Nothing makes an offer easier to say yes to when the prospect takes 0 to little risk.

Most don’t want to do this…but in the beginning it’s absolutely crucial.

And there you have it…

If you want to sign more clients, you can’t just rely on content…

You have to build belief in your prospect.

Make it undeniable that you can and will get them the results they want.

This is how you play business on easy mode.

The man up North,


PS. Last email I mentioned I’m thinking about launching a mini-4-week cohort in April.

I already got a bunch of yeses, but in case you missed it I want your input:

I’m going to teach service-based business owners how to add $5K/month to their business organically using LinkedIn.

This is for writers, coaches, and consultants.

Right now, I’m just gauging interest so please vote in the poll below if this sounds like an opportunity that interests you:

(Voting is 0 commitment and 100% anonymous)

Does a 4 week cohort teaching you how to add $5K/month to your service business excite you?

(For writers, coaches, and consultants)

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