The 3 biggest writing mistakes I made early on

They cost me 100’s of leads

In the beginning…

Writing content on LinkedIn is similar to a jungle.

There are predators (like the algorithm)

There’s a food chain (bigger creators taking all the engagement)

There’s a lot of trees blocking the sun (all the noise from 1000’s of other creator’s content)

And this jungle can make you feel like it’s impossible to survive in.

But before you let the feeling take over…

Understand that it’s actually quite easy to survive (and thrive) when you do the right things.

And even more importantly…

Avoid doing the wrong things.

Here are the 3 biggest writing mistakes I made that cost me a lot of money and time:

(I’m sharing them so you can avoid doing the same)

  1. Writing to everybody

I thought this would help me reach more people (and it did)

The issue was none of the people cared about my offer.

It wasn’t until I wrote for one specific ICP inside my niche I started getting interest in my service.

The lesson:

Write to everyone —> get likes

Write to your dream client —> get business

  1. Over-editing

I used to try and make every post ‘perfect’

(My editing checklist was longer than my hair)

But all this led to was overthinking which destroyed my writing.

It took the human feel out of it.

Now, I don’t edit any piece of content longer than 5 minutes then hit publish.

  1. Writing for the algorithm

This one tricked me good. It’s human to crave the vanity metrics.

I used to write about topics I knew would perform well, instead of ones I actually cared about.

Once again it felt great in the moment…

But hurt after months of no business growth.

Instead of writing for the algo, I asked myself:

“What would my dream client want to read”?

That’s when my lead flow took off.

As you can see, they’re not complicated.

Actually they’re quite simple.

And that’s what makes them work so damn well.

It’s the overly complex tactics and ‘hacks’ that aren’t sustainable and never actually work.

So if you’re currently doing any of the 3 (or all 3)…

I highly encourage you to put an end to them right now.

And in time…

Your wallet and bank account will thank you.

Alright that’s all I have for you today.

Your friend up North,

Mr. Canada (A.K.A Darion)

PS. I wanted to ask one more time about the mini-4-week cohort in April.

I already got a bunch of yeses (and no’s), but in case you missed it…

I’m going to teach service-based business owners how to add an extra $5K/month to their business (organically) using LinkedIn.

This is for writers, coaches, and consultants.

I’m still just gauging interest so please vote in the poll below if this sounds like an opportunity that interests you:

(Voting is 0 commitment and 100% anonymous)

Does a 4 week cohort teaching you how to add $5K/month to your service business excite you?

(For writers, coaches, and consultants)

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