Stop Living Someone Else’s Dream (How to Redefine Your Own Path)

Back when I used to drink wine everyday (it was a dark time for me)

I felt this overwhelming feeling inside of me saying:

"You're destined for more."

But I never knew what direction to go.

Society was telling me:

"You need to go to school, get a 9-5, then retire at 65"

My friends would say:

"Come work at the restaurant dude the tips are good and it's fun"”

Influencers would tell me:

"Get jacked, bang chicks, and start drop shipping"

Then there was my mom saying:

"Do what makes you happy, I'll be proud no matter what."

Which is cute and all...but I didn't know what made me happy.

This was years ago and today I see many people still stuck in this place.

It's a dangerous spot to be.

Not just because you're stuck in limbo wasting time, but because it's unfulfilling.

It's also a fast track to a life full of regret.

Back then, I wish I had somebody ask me:

"What do YOU want?"

Not what people want for you…

Or what you think you should want because X person did it.

Or because your dad or mom did it.

But in a perfect world, what would you be doing?

What would you aim for daily?

What would get you out of bed excited?

What would pique your curiosity?

It would have saved me a lot of years of unfulfillment, so that's what I'm here to do for you today.

Here's what I did to get myself out of this rut and end up where I'm at now (happy & fulfilled):

5 simple steps to redefine your own path

  1. Write your dream life in vivid detail

Get into the nitty gritty here.

What car do you drive?

Where do you live?

What do you do for work?

What gets you excited in the morning?

What do you avoid?

How fit are you?

Seriously, get so clear that you can close your eyes and imagine it effortlessly.

It all starts from this vision.

  1. Go through what you wrote with intention and ask:

Do I actually want this?

Or is this something I was told I should want.

This will be frightening for you if you're honest.

What you need to do is ditch anything that isn't 100% authentic to your desires.


Because you won't last doing it.

There's no real desire behind it...

And also, you won't feel fulfilled chasing it OR when you reach it.

  1. Ok sick, now you have YOUR dream life written in detail…

Now pick the top 3 things that make your heart skip a beat.

You'll notice at different stages of your life certain things will call to you more.

Which is ok.

Choose the ones that are calling you now (you have a lot of time to make the others a reality)

Why pick only 3?

It's the most manageable while still providing you with a challenge.

Any more and you'll spread yourself thin.

Any less and you'll feel unchallenged.

  1. Sketch out a roadmap & relentlessly execute on it daily

Your roadmap needs to include:

🔹Daily actions

🔹What to avoid

🔹Time horizons

🔹Checkpoints of progress

🔹The key levers to execute on

Your dream life is clear, now you have to make the steps to get there clear too.

  1. Have fun

This goes without saying but enjoy the ride.

If you follow these steps, every day will be exciting because you're building out your dream life.

Will some days suck? Of course

Will it be hard? Absolutely.

Will plans change? 100%

That's what makes life such a trip.

The unpredictability.

But for now, enjoy what you can control.

I love diving deep into ideas like this.

Part of being a mindful creator is living in alignment with your true self.

That's what is outlined here.

If you have questions about any of the steps or just want to chat, respond to this email.

I always get back to you!

Thanks so much for being here.

Until next Thursday,



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This avoids gimmicky & fluffy content that attracts empty followers.


I’ll give you my engaging comment formula.

This gets 1000's of more eyes on you by leveraging other people's posts.

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