Last week I hit 10K followers on LinkedIn...

Here’s why it’s actually important...

For my first 5 months on LinkedIn, I didn’t land a single client.

I was writing every day, working on my offer, building my skills…

But seeing 0 return on my efforts.

It made me frustrated and doubt if the time and energy was worth it.

I decided to stick to it and commit to playing the long game.

I knew a thriving business isn’t built quickly, so I committed to learning and upskilling every day as my only goals.

While focused on that,

I saw so many big creators talking about how important follower growth is and giving ‘hacks’ to do it…

But I always questioned it. It felt off to me.

The reason it felt off wasn’t because it was ‘wrong’

It’s just not what I wanted.

What I really wanted…

A business that allowed me to travel and work remotely.

A business that gave me autonomy and a purpose.

And most importantly, a business of my own where I could set the mission and vision.

Now I have that. (I’m writing this from my Airbnb in Colombia)

I hit my first $5K month with 3,000 followers, I hit multiple $10K months long before I reached 10,000 followers.

***Hint —> Followers don’t = business.

This isn’t to brag or act like a big shot…

It’s to remind you that you can do it too.

Now why is the 10K followers actually important?

Because it tells me I showed up consistently.

It shows me I committed to something and didn’t give up.

And while I’m super grateful for every single person who follows me…

I’m more grateful for every single person who trusted me enough to do business with me.

Because that’s why I got started in this game to begin with.

Not the vanity metrics.

So if you’re like me and want to build a real business that lasts…

Play the long game.

Focus on building your skills.

Focus on getting good at business.

The followers will come.

But let them be a biproduct, not the goal.

-Darion ‘followers don’t matter’ Rae