How to land clients on LinkedIn

Without going viral

I’ve landed 95% of my clients from LinkedIn...

But guess what?

I’ve never gone viral.

I don't say this to brag. It’s more than possible for you too.

Now I’m not here to say that getting more impressions and traffic is a bad thing…

Of course it helps.

But it’s not reliable.

And if you want to actually grow your business organically, you need to take actions that are repeatable and proven to get results.

Here are 3 actions you can take daily that I’ve used to clear multiple $10K months:

1. Write targeted content

When you understand your niche and have your clearly defined ICP inside of it…

Every single time you sit down to write you need to be thinking about this person.

What’re their fears? What’re their dreams? Who/what’re their enemies?

Write content around these.

When you write to this person every single day…

Funny enough, you’ll start to attract them (and people similar)

If you don’t have your ICP figured out yet, use my free guide:

2. Engage and grow your network

This isn’t the same as aiming for followers.

It’s about building genuine connections and relationships with your peers and people in your market.

Read their profiles to know a bit about them before you reach out…

You’ll be surprised by how many respond positively to this. Why?

Because nobody else does it.

***Pro tip —> Always make sure to talk about them (people love talking about themselves)

This builds good rapport and likeability.

3. Execute on proven outreach strategies

I can’t stress this enough…

If you’re not clearing $50K/month or more you have to be doing outreach every single day.

And just so you know…

Those people clearing $50K/month are still doing outreach every single day (how do you think they got there?)

So what do I mean by ‘proven strategies’?

I’m talking about:

  • Personalization

  • A system for tracking data

  • A clear reward/benefit for them

  • Prospecting systems and qualifying

  • A compelling message that resonates with them


Those are the 80/20 right there.

Keep in mind these are all based off the idea you already have an offer and understand your niche.


Chasing virality is a fool's game.

And if you’re like me…

You’d much rather focus on building a business that makes money.

Alright, that’s all I got for you today.

Start applying these ASAP, and watch the shift take place.

The man up North,
